Organization: KALU - Humanitarian Aid Studies Centre
Registration deadline: 24 May 2017
Starting date: 24 May 2017
Ending date: 24 May 2018
DURATION: 644 hours (one year)
- Regular Fee: 1.465 Eur
- Reduced Fee "One-off payment”: 1.245 Eur
- Reduced Fee "Grant 60 and one-off payment": 490 Eur
- Reduced Fee "Grant 30 and one-off payment": 870 Eur
See grants-bursary conditions at
Project Management I: Logical Framework Approach
- The Logical Framework Approach
- The Project Cycle, Indicators and External Factors
- The European Union Project Cycle Management Manual and other manuals
Project Management II: Project Management and Implementation
- Accountability
- Needs Assessment
- Abbreviated Project Documents
- Monitoring the emergency project by means of Reports
- Monitoring long term projects by means of AOPs and Reports
- Coordination: Coordination of Activities & Coordination among Institutions
- Fundraising
- Methodological Documents
Film Forum: The Yugoslav Wars
Project Management III: Missions and Offices in the field
- Administration and budgeting: Administrative regulations of an international donnor & European Union Humanitarian Aid project contract management regulations - ECHO FPA
- Human Resources Management
- Staff security in field operations and conflict zones
- Logistics
Sectors of Humanitarian Intervention, the Sphere Project and the UNHCR Emergency Manual I
- Food Security, Nutrition and Livelihoods
- Public Health
- Water and Sanitation
- Design of temporary shelter and Refugee Camps.
Sectors of Humanitarian Intervention, the Sphere Project and the UNHCR Emergency Manual II
- Cash transfer
- Humanitarian Protection
- Advocacy
- Education in emergencies.
The International Legal Framework
- Origin of current humanitarianism and international legal framework for humanitarian action
- International Human Rights Law
- International Humanitarian Law
- Legislation on refugees and internally displaced people, and Disaster response legislation
Film Forum: The origins of current Humanitarianism, the creation of the Red Cross and International Humanitarian Law
Gender and cross cutting approaches
- Introduction to a gender-sensitive approach
- Gender in Projects and Programmes
- Environmental issues
- Rights based programming
- Childhood and Youth
- Disabilities
- Building local capacities
Ethics in humanitarian work and in development cooperation
- Humanitarian identity and basic humanitarian principles
- Evolution of humanitarian principles
- Codes of Conduct
- Other initiatives to improve humanitarian programme quality
Film Forum: The genocide in Rwanda
Let's talk about Development and Cooperation
- Wealth and poverty
- Development: Theories and Measurement
- Cooperation strategies
- Voluntary work
- The World Bank and the Poverty-Reduction Strategies
- Governance and Development
Disasters and risk management
- Natural disasters as global phenomena
- The reduction of risk as a necessary approach
- Types of disasters
- Learning to Manage Disasters
How to register:
Register at